‘We’ve got your style in the bag’: street scenes in Orlando East and West with #JoziWalks

Walking with Tshidiso and Maud of His and Hers Jams  led to this photo essay of everyday life in Orlando East and Orlando West. As Thabo our local guide said ‘This is not the curated space of nearby Vilakazi Street‘.  

Bags and Shoes in Orlando East
We’ve got your style in the bag: shoe stall in Orlando East. Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
Car Speaker Collecting Nails
New use for the magnet in an old car speaker: collecting nails. Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
Nails Collected with Magnet Sweep
Close-up showing all the nails he’s picked up with the magnet sweep. Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
Hilda Ngema and her Garden
Turning house into home; property into garden. Hilda Ngema says her garden stays beautiful all year round. Orlando West. Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za 

Stay at Liz at Lancaster Guest House

Stay at our well located Guest House and visit Soweto. View our Rosebank Guest House for Rates and Availability!

Disembarking Mzimhlope Station
Disembarking at Mzimhlope Station in Orlando West Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
His and Hers Jams
Tshidiso of His and Hers Jams told us that the driver of this car ‘loves the swag’. He’s been known to  come out onto the street and practice his golf! Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
Street Food in Orlando West
Street food Orlando West: Walkie Talkies. Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
Mary Matshaba at Lapa La Rona
Mary Matshaba runs a restaurant from her home at 7906 Armitage St, Orlando West. It’s called Lapa La Rona. Call her to book on 011 536 0053 or 082 201 6024info@lapalarona.com Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
The Throne Store
Nathi Gumede runs The Throne Store in Orlando West with his own branded clothing. Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za
Children in Orlando
And we lurv ATTITUDE . Source: www.lizatlancaster.co.za

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