Talking to plants works!

Thank you Alick Ncube for Liz at Lancaster’s wonderful garden


Riot of colour in pots and garden and
Riot of colour in pots and garden at Liz at Lancaster Guesthouse

In November last year, parts of the Johannesburg Parks region were hit by a devastating hail storm.  Large hail stones fell with a ferocious intensity.  They shredded leaves of agapanthus and arums, as well large robust trees, and reduced every impatience and begonia plant  to a bruised and damaged lone green stalk.

Of course the Pollyannas/’every- cloud-has-a-silver-lining’- chirpers all said ‘But hail has so many nutrients it will all come back’.  Cynical as ever I muttered under my breath ‘Yeah right’.

But, yet again I had to eat humble pie. The flowers have all come back with a vengeance and have provided an amazing display in Liz at Lancaster’s garden and potted plant areas.

Alick, Liz at Lancaster‘s wonderful gardener said to Liz  rather bashfully: ‘I talked to them’.   Well Alick – it worked!  Thank you Alick and thank you hail!

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