Most fun you will ever have shopping: Motmot and Garden Bleu in Parkhurst

Motmot and Garden Bleu in Parkhurst

Put a spring in out step, bring a smile on your face, add joy to your home, and massage the budget … visit Motmot in Parkhurst.  It’s one of those places you visit to buy a gift and come out with a quirky little “present for self” – as I did when I went in to see their new renovations. Walls were removed, shelves repositioned and chandeliers and baskets were rehung .. all to open the space up. But Motmot’s space will never be airy and open .. there are just way too many exciting quirky objet d’art and items of whimsy.  Go down the rabbit hole .. you’ll find LOTS of rabbits, plus occasional looking glasses, some vintage treasures and even a few mad hatters.

Peter Rabbit in a moment of respite in the potting shed …  Photo Courtesy Quinton Mot Mot GardenBleu, Parkhurst

What’s in a name?

George left corporate life in 2012 to start Motmot … the name is serendipitous. George said he needed find a name which “had a ring” to it and where the domain name was still free … so serendipitous is no exaggeration. But a Motmot is also a colourful exotic bird (belonging to the same family as kingfishers, bee-eaters and rollers).  And colour, glorious colour, abounds in Motmot.  We did chuckle though when I told George that the urban dictionary gives the meaning of “motmot” as “to have sex in a very cute way” as in: “they’re motmoting upstairs”.  But I digress. Ten years ago, George joined up with Garden Bleu which sells all manner of things for patios and gardens: wrought-iron furniture, baskets, planters, fountains, painted ceramics – from the chic to the delightfully mischievous.  All adding to the playful charm and eclectic style of this most special of shops.

Glorious colour abounds at Motmot. Photo Courtesy Quinton Motmot GardenBleu, Parkhurst
Laser-cut metal reliefs to add interest to bare courtyard walls and bespoke designer standing lamp Photo Courtesy Quinton Motmot GardenBleu, Parkhurst

A picture speaks a thousand words

Partial view of one of  Motmot’s famous Strawberry Thief chairs … and Peter’s been in the pumpkin patch Photo Courtesy Quinton Motmot GardenBleu, Parkhurst
Block-mounted tiles with bird prints … guess who bought ‘present for self’ Photo Courtesy Quinton Motmot GardenBleu, Parkhurst
Something fishy, something fruity
And who can resist these little chaps who roll up to FIFTY times their own body weight, have to push backwards for long distances, and keep on course by navigating by the sun or the stars.  Photo Courtesy Quinton Motmot GardenBleu, Parkhurst

You can find them just off 4th Ave at 44 11th St, Parkhurst and their instagram handles are @garden_bleu_parkhurst and @motmotparkhurst

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