Finding treasure at Liz at Lancaster
Some time ago in BC days (Before Covid) I made up a treasure hunt for one my young grandsons who was having a week-end sleepover. What excitement as he hurtled from one clue to another, each clue carefully zig-zagged at the furthest possible distance from each other around the guesthouse public spaces and garden, and even to pavement and the now well-known community bookbox
Open-air Treasure Hunts in the Parks
When the parks opened for exercise in mid-July, it got me thinking about things to do with kids in the fresh air and sunshine. What better than an outdoor treasure hunt. Walking down at Delta Park just between the Blue Bridge at the bottom of Craighall Park and the first wooden bridge to the north there are fabulous clues to set for “treasures” to find. Tabby cats, rapids, spiritual circles (that’s a tough one), weirs, basketball hoops, reflections and of course dogs of all shapes and sizes (add points if they are swimming but take off points if said dog is chasing a water bird); birds (youngsters are like sponges when it comes to bird watching; see Delta’s birding list); horses; moleholes; bicycles; tree types; the possibilities are endless.
They can even make their own reflections
And if you all have fun doing this, there is loads to see and explore in Delta Centre itself
And best of all Delta Cafe is a great outdoor venue for pizzas and a refreshing drink.
Get out and beat the Lockdown blues – it’ll be good for everybody!